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Coronavirus: Information to patients, next of kin and visitors

If you are sick and need medical assistance, please contact your GP (fastlege), or the emergency room (legevakt), phone number 116 117. The medical emergency line (113) is reserved for life threatening situations.

If your surgery or appointment is cancelled, someone from the hospital will contact you.

  • If you do not hear anything from us, please show up as planned.
  • If you are quarantined, in isolation, or sick, get in touch with the hospital to cancel your appointment.
  • If you have doubts on whether you should come to the hospital – please contact us before arrival.

Please contact the hospital for more information regarding this.

Everyone who has symptoms of a cold should stay home.

More information about Quarantine and isolation in english (helsenorge.no)

Sist oppdatert 01.06.2023